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From The Blog

DAISY is now Limitless and launches Blockchain Sports

DAISY has officially rebranded to Limitless and has launched a new revolutionary business Blockchain Sports. Welcome to the world of Blockchain Sports, where innovation meets the power of blockchain technology to transform the sports sector. Blockchain Sports is at the forefront of enhancing transparency, security, and efficiency within the sports domain! The Sports Industry A…

Why is DAISY not a pyramid scheme?

Knowing the main characteristics of a financial pyramid or a scam project can help you identify such ventures. These features may include: So what is DAISY? DAISY is a cutting-edge financial management tool that utilizes advanced technology and trading algorithms developed by EndoTech. Its primary objective is to enhance profitability by trading in the foreign…

Daisy Webinars – Every Thursday

Hey D.AI.SY Family, We hope your are enjoying the Daisy AI results, not only Forex, but also Crypto 2.0. You might have noticed this chart in your Daisy backoffice: The new Crypto Trading algorithms have kicked in as of November 2022. As you can tell, the Crypto trading algorithms are more volatile than Forex trading.…

Daisy Forex AI has crossed 500% in profits in 9 months!

Dear D.AI.SY member, Have you been breaking your head on where to park your money during these tough times? Stocks and cryptos took a huge hit in 2022. Even the best investors saw their portfolios shrinking in 2022. However, there is one secret opportunity that is backed up by Artificial Intelligence that made its members over 500% compounded profit in only…


Dear Reader, the world is changing in front of our eyes. There is war in Europe. There is energy supply shortages all other the world. Financial markets are experiencing tough times and the inflation is sky high. With inflation reaching two digit levels, people wonder how to secure their savings. A 10% inflation basically means that you’re losing 10,000$ every…

Daisy is back on fire!

Dear Crypto Enthusiast, what is the easiest way to get rich with cryptocurrency? Many crypto influencers will probably tell you: Just HODL Bitcoin. Sounds sensible. But what if we told you that there is a way to outperform HODL by using AI Trading Technology? This world leader in Fintech has a 12 years history of producing impressive results for institutional clients all over the…

1st IDO is launching on Uplift

Hello D.AI.SY nation, it is official now: The 1st IDO is launching on the Uplift Launchpad on 16th December 2021, powered by D.AI.SY! But first things first. What is an IDO? IDO stands for initial DEX offering and is a new and exciting type of decentralized and permissionless crowdfunding platform. What is a launchpad? Crypto…

Daisy Forex is now live!

Dear D.AI.SY nation! D.AI.SY Forex went live on 12th October and already has 9M USD in contributions! After 24 hours and the early glitches with the Tronlink App, Daisy has still managed to generate over 5M in contributions after 24 hours and generated 1.8M in the matrix smart contract ready to pay out Nov 1st!…

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